Heartland Acoustics – Denver, CO

It might be the walls, and it might not!

A common noise complaint in office environments is, “I can hear everything next door through my walls.” But if your office has a grid ceiling with tiles, it might not be the walls at all. In most office buildings, the walls between offices stop just above the grid ceiling, so there is a big open-air cavity above you and your neighbor. Everything you say can pass through the lightweight ceiling tiles and jump right over the wall to the office next door. Even if there is pink insulation above the ceiling, which is very lightweight, noise can easily pass through. Plus, the lights and air vents are even bigger holes for noise travel.

We were contacted by Heartland Acoustics for a project just as described above. Their client had a grid ceiling with pink insulation above, and could still hear almost everything from office to office. Heartland had installed the existing ceiling and the insulation, so they set out to get their customer happy. After investigating options for a real grid ceiling soundproofing system, Jason Gordon contacted Sound Isolation Company for help. When talking things over with our acoustical consultants, Jason learned that we developed a group of products that would treat the office soundproofing challenge quickly and easily.

Our Privacy Grid Ceiling Soundproofing System includes products for every component in an office grid ceiling. Privacy Premium Blocker Tiles are dropped into the grid above every ceiling tile to greatly improve the sound blocking. Privacy Soundproof Light Covers are provided to fit all light fixtures and Privacy Air Return Covers reduce the noise from the large opening that allows air to be pulled out of the room back to the blower fan. All components arrived ready to install and were easily implemented with maintenance crew. Jason recognized that we had the right products to address the client complaints, and could deliver a proven solution in just a couple days. Heartland installed the products in a single day for several offices. The results were immediately evident; far less crosstalk from office to office and even the hallways, and improved privacy for the HR office and conference room, where privacy was needed during important meetings. Jason had a happy customer, and continues to offer the same solution to any customer who needs some additional peace and quiet between office spaces.


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Project-Parkside Crossing, Charlotte NC

Solution-Suspended Acoustical Clouds

Parkside Crossing is a new housing development. They have a beautiful sales center in the community for prospective buyers to make initial visits and several follow-ups to select finishes. This contemporary space has hard floors, walls, and ceilings. As you might suspect it is very hard to hear due to the very high echo. The last thing the developer wants is for customers, and the sales team, to be uncomfortable during meetings. We were contacted to correct the problems.

Using pictures and accurate dimensions of the space we were able to determine a budget very quickly. After the initial proposal was accepted, we set up a meeting on-site to finalize the details and plan the installation process. For this project we had 10’ ceilings and determined that we could add some aesthetics and sound absorbing in one step. Suspended Acoustical Clouds are a very beautiful way to treat spaces. The clouds are installed horizontally, at any height that is preferred, and are available with more than 50 different fabric colors standard.

As you can see from the pictures our acoustical treatment worked well with the décor. The results were outstanding!


Note- while this project was local, we’ve completed identical projects all over the US without site visits. Customers provide accurate dimensions and pictures so that we can model the current acoustics in the space and determine the right solution. Within days we propose the right products in the right quantities to solve the problem.

Call now to get started with a free consultation 888-666-5090